Tools」(Mark Alldritt氏作成のFreeware)に含まれるFile
アップルスクリプトは、多くのプログラム言語と同様に、命令文が入れ子になって記述される。基本ルーティンはその一番外側にかかれる。ファイルメーカーの特定のファイル「ANT PCD DATA」に対する命令は、以下の囲いの中に記述する。
tell application "ファイルメーカー Pro"
tell database "ANT PCD DATA"
end tell
end tell
if (enabled of (menu item 1 of menu 5 of application "ファイルメーカー Pro")) then
do menu (menu item 1 of menu 5 of application "ファイルメーカー Pro")
end if
set CountRecord to count of record
repeat with c from 1 to CountRecord
go to record c of current layout
end repeat
set myContents to (get data cell "HTML_Page" of record c) as text
set PDisc to (get data cell "PCD Name" of record c) as string
set PFrame to get data cell "画像番号" of record c
set HTMLfName to (PDisc & "-" & PFrame & ".html") as string
my MakeFile(Root, HTMLfName, myContents)
on MakeFile(HTMLfPath, HTMLfName, myContents)
set MyFullName to HTMLfPath & HTMLfName as string
create file HTMLfName in alias HTMLfPath
on error
delete file alias MyFullName
create file HTMLfName in alias HTMLfPath
end try
set MyFile to open file alias MyFullName for writing
write file MyFile text myContents
close file MyFile
end MakeFile
set Root to (choose folder with prompt "Choose PCD Image folder :") as string
Script Tools Suite:
Copyright ゥ 1993 Mark Alldritt
All Rights Reserved
create file string -- name of new file to be created
[in alias] -- a folder where the new file is to be placed
[owner string] -- signature code of application which should own the new file
delete file alias -- the file to be deleted
open file alias -- the file to be opened
[for reading/writing/update] -- type of file access
Result: small integer -- open file reference number
close file small integer -- open file reference number
write file small integer -- open file reference number
text string -- text to be written