1. Minolta DuoScan Multi Pro
Slide Film
Nega Strip (6 frames)
2. Minolta DS Multi Software
DS Multi Software is inside this folder.
3. Tips for Scanning
For Printed Presentation
Input Resolution: 2400 dpi (about 3300 x 2200 pixel)
Output Resolution: 300 dpi (11.2 x 7.5 inch images for print)
File Format: JPEG-HIGH (2~3 Mb each in file size)
For Screen Presentation
Input Resolution: 1200 dpi (about 1650 x 1100 pixel)
Output Resolution: 150 dpi (11.2 x 7.5 inch images for print)
File Format: JPEG-HIGH (less than 1 Mb each in file size)
4. EM Nega
Part of the EM Nagative can be scanned by DS Multi scanner, using muti format film folder