Primary Image
EM Nega
35mm Film
Compact Flash

Printing Images and Catalogs

1. Print from iView MediaPro

Priniting Catalog image through iView, it is possible to specify;
1. number of images in 2. each page(Grid...)
Header & Footer(Headers...)
3. Margin

Check "Hi-Res thumbnail" to get better quality.

2. from PhotoShop

Select "Print Options" menu and check "scale to fit Medea"

3. Sharpen Images before priniting

Unlike conventional photo printing, the printing through inkjet or laser printer makes image dull. Using unsharp mask filter, it is possible to produce the edge effect which usually appeared in photo priniting.

Unsharp Mask Option
amount: less than 100%
Up to 2.0 for 300 dpi priniting
Up to 1.0 for Screen Presentation

This process should be applied just before finish work and save to new file.

Copyright by Akira Kihara, Last changes: